Flow and Strength: Exploring Yoga and TRX Fusion with Yoga Squad UK

The TRX Podcast - A podcast by Nathan D'Rozario

In this episode, we dive deep into the realm of yoga and fitness with Caroline and Olivia from Yoga Squad UK. Join us as we uncover their personal fitness and yoga journeys, leading to the creation of Yoga Squad and the unique offerings that set their studio apart. From the picturesque setting of their former Victorian Mill studio with stunning river views to the inclusive community atmosphere they've cultivated, we explore how they've seamlessly integrated TRX into traditional yoga practice and the benefits it brings. Plus, hear about their upcoming wellness weekend and where listeners can learn more about joining in on the action. Yoga Squad - https://yogasquad.co.uk/ Yoga Squad instagram - https://www.instagram.com/Yoga_Squad_UK/ TRX Training - https://www.trxtraining.eu/en-gb Save 15% using the code TRX15NATE via the TRX website