The Last Salmon

A podcast by LastCast Media - Fridays


10 Episodes

  1. The chemicals weren’t working, the fish were suffering and new ideas were needed

    Published: 5/3/2024
  2. Matt Harris and why it's still the salmon above all others

    Published: 4/26/2024
  3. 'When you catch your first fish, the fish catches you' Patagonia's Yvon Chouinard on fly fishing, salmon & saving the planet

    Published: 4/19/2024
  4. Mikael Frödin: the salmon angler we can all learn from

    Published: 4/12/2024
  5. Charles Clover: helping to save the oceans one area at a time

    Published: 4/5/2024
  6. The hopes and fears for salmon fishing in Scotland

    Published: 3/29/2024
  7. How Alexandra Morton won her fight against salmon farms

    Published: 3/22/2024
  8. Paul Whitehouse & John Bailey on stocking, salmon fishing and the return of Rowley Birkin (KC)

    Published: 3/15/2024
  9. The tipping point for Iceland in their fight to save the wild salmon

    Published: 3/8/2024
  10. Launching March 8th

    Published: 3/4/2024

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The Last Salmon: a new podcast set to inspire hope and solutions for a species in crisis. Hosted by renowned actor, Jim Murray, and award-winning producer, Daire Whelan, The Last Salmon, offers hope and solutions to the tragic story that is unfolding for an iconic species - the wild Atlantic salmon.