Aug. 15, 2021 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Function of Hate -- To Extirpate:" *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 7, 2009 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format) - A podcast by Alan Watt ( & ) - Mondays


--{ "Function of Hate -- To Extirpate: "Through the Ages, This System Destroys What It Can't Assimilate, Girls and Boys, Who Pay with Lives, Physical Abuse, The System with Charts Decides Their Use, 'We're Here to Help, This Blanket will Ease Cold's Discomfort,' Full of Disease, Authorized Masters Used Children as Toys, Raped Girls, Buggered Boys, Cloaked by the State and Respectability, Robbed Their Souls, Sterilizing Virility, Broken Bodies So Small, will be Found When Effort Breaks the Cold Silent Ground, The Past is With Us, No Great Divide, People Who Care can Beat Back the Tide"© Alan Watt}-- Original Broadcast Jan. 7, 2009 -Genocide Through the Ages - Plato, Formulas - Psychopaths Manipulate and Use Others - Government is an Abstract Idea - Irish Famine - Depopulation, Moving - People Off the Land - Britain, Scotland, "The Scottish Problem", Highland Clearances; Gealic and Tartans Forbidden - John Stuart Mill, Inferior Cultures - Residential Schools, "Assimilation" and Eradication - Canadian Indians, Kevin Annett, Forced Sterilization, Mass Graves of Children - Extirpation - Sexual Abuse of Indian Children - Diseased Blankets, Mass Deaths - Bacterial and Viral Warfare - "The Indian Problem", "The Turkish Problem", et cetera - Dumbed Down, Entertained to Death, Treated Like Children - Sickness from Inoculations; They don't Pass Around Blankets with Smallpox Anymore, They Just Train You to Take Shots - Madeleine Albright, Starvation of Iraqis, Oil for Food Program - Academia, Letters Behind Their Names - The Darwinian Agenda. *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 7, 2009 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)