New and trendy week 16 - 2024 -!
New and trendy podcasts this week is ready
The Critic and Her Publics
The best and most prominent critics working today perform criticism on the spot, on an object they’ve never seen before. It’s a glimpse into brilliant minds at work as they perform how to think about art and culture. From the New York Review of Books and Literary Hub, The Critic and Her Publics is a limited series hosted by Merve Emre. Edited by Michele MosesMusic by Dani LencioniArt by Leanne ShaptonSponsored by the Shapiro Center for Creative Writing and Criticism at Wesleyan University, New York Review of Books, Lit Hub, and Knopf
Number of episodes: 5
The Rise and Fall of Ruby Franke
Ruby Franke, a Utah mom turned YouTube “momfluencer” who amassed 2.6 million subscribers, was known for her strict disciplinarian parenting style. But authorities now say that her "tough love" was actually child abuse. Ruby Franke's son escaped from the Utah home of her self-help business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt. The boy was reportedly starved and tied up with duct tape along with his 10 year old sister. As law enforcement dug deeper, they uncovered injuries, torture, and emotional harm inflicted by both Franke and Hildebrandt. Law&Crime takes you behind the scenes, from Ruby and Jodi's path to internet stardom, to the investigation that brought them down.You can listen to all episodes of The Rise and Fall of Ruby Franke exclusively and ad-free on Wondery+. Find Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Start Your free trial by visiting now.
Number of episodes: 2
Genstart Dox
Som noget helt nyt folder Genstart nu de allerstørste nyhedshistorier ud i den nye dokumentarserie Genstart Dox. Over flere afsnit bringer serien afsløringer, kommer helt ind i kernen på ellers lukkede miljøer og tæt på de mennesker, det hele handler om.
Number of episodes: 3
Trinity Talks Healing
A mom named Trinity talks about her experience with her child using the Medical Medium protocol for Autism. A protocol that originated from the New York Times best selling author, Anthony William. Trinity breaks down the tips and tricks she’s learned along the way, as well as answers commonly asked questions, and warns about frequently made mistakes. She is just an ordinary mom talking about an extraordinary protocol that transformed her life and the life of her child. Trinity Talks Healing is a podcast that is here to support and encourage others on their healing journey.
Number of episodes: 5
Mathias Sørensen
Number of episodes: 1
Rester Vivante(s). Le podcast pour combattre les idées reçues sur les violences dans le couple
5 épisodes pour identifier et argumenter contre les 5 principales idées reçues sur les violences au sein du couple qui freinent l’identification, la prise de conscience du danger et donc la prévention. Le podcast a été pensé par Sarah Barukh, auteure de 125 et des milliers et est animé par Julie Mamou-Mani entourées de spécialistes du sujet : médecins, avocats ou encore associatifs. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Number of episodes: 5
Gull og grønne skoger
En podkast om bærekraft, kommunikasjon, markedsføring og samfunnsansvar i regi av Kampanje og Skift - Næringslivets klimaledere.Her får du servert nyttig innsikt, spennende diskusjoner, tankevekkende dilemmaer, gode caser og forhåpentligvis en god del latter.Målet er at podkasten skal hjelpe markedsførere å kommunisere bærekraft og samfunnsansvar på en bedre og mer effektiv måte - og bidra til å hindre grønnvasking.
Number of episodes: 4
Where Secrets Go To Die
A downstate man moves to Michigan’s remote Upper Peninsula, then vanishes. Suspicions spread from the neighbor he was staying with, to the girlfriend he fought with, to the cops who were supposed to find him. From the Detroit Free Press, “Where Secrets Go to Die: The Disappearance of Derrick Henagan” is an eight-episode serial podcast. Award-winning journalist John Wisely examines a murder case in a natural paradise and uncovers drugs, sex and other local secrets.Episodes are available now only for Detroit Free Press subscribers in one playlist.Links to available subscriber episodes can be found in the description of the trailer for this series.
Number of episodes: 1
Face-Off: The U.S. vs China
FACE-OFF is an eight-episode podcast about how China and the United States, once friends, are now foes. FACE-OFF is hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jane Perlez, former New York Times Beijing bureau chief and current fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center. In each episode Professor Rana Mitter, recently of the University of Oxford and now professor of modern China at the Harvard Kennedy School, chats with Jane on what’s at stake.
Number of episodes: 4
Oikeat Keittiöpsykologit
Oikeat Keittiöpsykologit on kahden psykologin podcast, jossa pohditaan elämän erilaisia ilmiöitä ja psykologiaa niiden takana. Keittiönpöydän ääreen istahtavat oikeuspsykologi Jasmin Kaunisto ja työterveyspsykologi/psykoterapeutti Nina Kinnunen. Hauskalla ja rennolla otteella toteutettu podcast kutsuu kuuntelemaan mitä psykologit ihmismielestä ajattelevat ja kuinka asiat psykologien käsittelyssä jäsentyvät. Mielessä muhivat ajatukset pilkotaan ja maustetaan kepeästi rosmariinilla ja analyyseillä. Uusi jakso ilmestyy joka toinen torstai Supla, Spotify ja Apple podcast kanavilla.
Number of episodes: 5
By - Published 4/19/2024
Updated 4/19/2024