New and trendy week 48 - 2024 -!
New and trendy podcasts this week is ready
Föreställ dig din värsta mardröm: att tvingas stå öga mot öga med den person du hånat mest. Det är exakt vad Alex och Sigge ska göra nu. Från sin trygga poddvrå har duon ostraffat häcklat offentliga personer under tio år - men nu knackar verkligheten på dörren. En podd som garanterat blir allt annat än behaglig när Alex och Sigge tvingas möta sina värsta fiender. Lyssna på Mardrömsgästen, helt utan reklam, på Podme. Signa upp dig på - de första fjorton dagarna är gratis. Ladda sedan ner Podme-appen i Appstore eller Google Play.
Number of episodes: 1
Messner - ein extremes Leben
Reinhold Messner ist der bedeutendste Bergsteiger unserer Zeit. Er stand als erster Mensch auf allen 14 Achttausendern und hat unfassbar viele Abenteuer erlebt. Ann-Kathrin Wetter und Sebastian Nachbar erzählen vom Aufstieg eines streitbaren Helden – von seinen Anfängen bis zum Leben als alpiner Superstar. Neben großen Erfolgen gibt es aber auch die Tragödie um den Tod seines Bruders und Konflikte in der Familie. Und es gibt Seiten von Reinhold Messner, die bisher kaum erzählt wurden. Feedback gerne an [email protected].
Number of episodes: 5
Business Explorers
Pour transformer le monde, il faut d’abord transformer nos entreprises. Business Explorers est le podcast dédié aux leaders qui changent le monde à travers leur organisation. Nous explorons les secrets de leur réussite, mais surtout, nous découvrons l’homme ou la femme qui se cache derrière le réformateur ou la réformatrice. On y parle de business, de leadership, de mentoring, mais aussi de leur vie : culture, sport, enfance. Aux commandes, trois personnalités inspirantes : Romain Dessal (TTSO), Gregory Pouy (VLAN ! PING !) et Agathe Bousquet (Présidente du groupe Publicis France).Une production : Kessel Brand Stories Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Number of episodes: 2
The Good Whale
Fans of the movie “Free Willy” are outraged to learn that the real whale who played Willy lives in a tiny pool at an amusement park in Mexico City. So well-intentioned experts embark on an epic science experiment to try to teach one celebrity orca how to be free — while the world watches. Sign up for our newsletter to see photos and videos of Keiko, and get a behind the scenes look at the making of The Good Whale. Sign up at to the New York Times can listen to all episodes of The Good Whale early, and access the full archive of other Serial Productions and New York Times podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Subscribe at a story pitch, a tip, or feedback on The Good Whale or other shows from Serial Productions? Email us at [email protected]
Number of episodes: 4
Tech Unheard
Arm CEO Rene Haas takes you behind the boardroom door with technology’s most inspiring visionaries. Tech Unheard lets you listen in on one-on-one conversations with industry leaders, everything from the potential of artificial general intelligence to pre-keynote nerves. Haas and his guests explore the drivers behind each leader’s path and analyze the most pressing trends in their space — plus tell a few entertaining anecdotes of success and failure along the way.Tech Unheard is a podcast from Arm, the company that’s building the future of computing.
Number of episodes: 2
C'est quoi cette histoire ?
Vous adorez les histoires ? Ça tombe bien, il y en a plusieurs milliers sur Ma fabrique à Histoires ! Pour vous aider à faire un choix, Dorothée et son petit club de critiques composé de Raphaëlle (9 ans), Madi et Calixte (11 ans), débattent et partagent leurs avis sur le meilleur du catalogue Lunii. Faites tourner les mollettes ! Un podcast de LUNII -- Autrice et animatrice : Dorothée Barba Participants : Madi Guillon, Calixte Ticot, Raphaëlle Maton
Number of episodes: 5
The Pitcairn Trials
Halfway between South America and New Zealand is a small piece of volcanic, British territory; Pitcairn. It has one shop open for a few hours a day, it’s accessible only by boat, it was born out of Naval mutiny in the 18th Century, it’s home to around 45 British subjects...and an almighty scandal.
Number of episodes: 2
Lords of Death
While digging through an old memory box, host Thrasher Banks discovers forgotten VHS tapes, police reports, and faded letters regarding a 1995 murder in Dayton, Ohio. Drawn to the connection between this murder and the other seemingly innocuous contents of the box, Thrasher begins an investigation. As he follows the threads, he finds that the 1995 murder may be connected to more than one brutal, unsolved case… Against the backdrop of Ohio in the 1980s and 90s, around the height of satanic panic, this true crime story explores memory, perception, and a personal quest for the truth. Join Thrasher as he unpacks this box and searches for answers about the “Lords of Death."
Number of episodes: 4
Rasmus Alenkær inviterer til en livgivende og spændende dialog om børn- og ungeliv. I studiet har han besøg af fagfolk og forældre med noget på hjertet.
Number of episodes: 5
Come l'intelligenza artificiale sta cambiando le nostre vite, di Matteo Bordone in collaborazione con FAIR
Number of episodes: 5
By - Published 11/29/2024
Updated 11/29/2024