每日英語跟讀 Ep.K408: About aviation - 最快噴射超音速客機與少年跳機大難不死
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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K408: About aviation - World’s fastest passenger jet goes supersonic in tests The race to resume supersonic passenger flights nearly two decades after the retirement of Concorde was offered a glimmer of excitement on Monday when plane manufacturer Bombardier revealed high speed achievements while confirming the launch of its new business jet. 飛機製造商龐巴迪週一揭露其最新商務噴射客機達到的高速度成果,同時證實上市時間,為協和號退役將近20年後,重拾超音速載客飛行的競賽,注入一絲興奮。 The Canadian company said the in-development Global 8000 will be "the world’s fastest and longest-range purpose-built business jet." 這家加拿大公司說,這款開發中的「環球8000型」客機,將是「全世界最快、最長程的特製商用噴射機」。 The news comes after a Global 7500 test vehicle broke the sound barrier during a demonstration flight last May, achieving speeds of more than Mach 1.015. 在發布這項消息前,一架環球7500型測試機,在去年5月一次試飛中突破音障,達到超過1.015馬赫的速度。 "The Global 8000 aircraft leverages the outstanding attributes of the Global 7500 aircraft, providing our customers with a flagship aircraft of a new era," Éric Martel, president and CEO for Bombardier, said. 龐巴迪總裁兼執行長馬泰爾說,「環球8000飛機利用環球7500型的優異特性,提供我們顧客一架新年代飛機的佼佼者」。 Next Article Teen survives flight in aircraft wheel in Nigeria 奈及利亞青少年躲起落架搭機 大難不死 A young teenager dashed across a runway at a Nigerian airport, hid in the wheel well of a jet and survived a 35-minute domestic flight, the airline and aviation authorities said Sunday. 航空公司和奈及利亞聯邦航空局週日表示,1名青少年橫衝機場跑道,躲進飛機起落架艙,飛了35分鐘的國內線航程。 Passengers and crew had alerted the pilots that a boy was seen running to the plane as it was taxiing to take off Saturday from southern Benin City, Arik Airline spokesman Ola Adebanji said. 阿里克航空公司發言人艾德班吉表示,這架班機週六從南部貝南市滑行準備起飛時,乘客和機組員看到1名青少年跑向飛機,並警告機師。 Despite the possible presence of the boy, the pilots opted to continue with their takeoff, Federal Aviation Agency of Nigeria spokesman Yakubu Dati said. 奈及利亞聯邦航空局發言人達蒂表示,儘管男孩可能在機上,機師仍選擇繼續起飛。 When the plane arrived in Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital, a boy aged 13 or 14 jumped to the ground from the wheel and was detained by Arik personnel, Adebanji said. He said the teenager probably survived because the flight was short and the plane probably didn’t rise above 7,620 meters. 艾德班吉表示,飛機抵達奈吉利亞商業大城拉哥斯時,1名年約13或14歲的男孩從起落架跳到地面,被地勤人員抓住。發言人說,男孩大難不死可能是因為飛行距離不長、飛行高度沒有超過7620公尺。 Most stowaways don’t survive. The body of a suspected stowaway fell from an Air France plane over Niger, also in West Africa, in July and was discovered lifeless in a western suburb of the capital, Niamey, officials said. 這類偷渡客大都不會生還。官員表示,7月間,法國航空公司1架班機飛經同樣也在西非的尼日時,1具疑似偷渡客的屍體從上空墜地,陳屍在首都尼阿美西部郊區。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1526935 ; https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/710523