每日英語跟讀 Ep.K469: 美嚴管電子煙 仍難阻青少年接觸成癮
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歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments 每日英語跟讀 Ep.K469: Teenagers Keep Vaping Despite Crackdowns on E-Cigarettes High school students resumed taking the annual National Youth Tobacco Survey in school this year and 14% of them reported using e-cigarettes, underscoring how an upstart industry is dodging regulators’ efforts to spare a generation from nicotine addiction. 在學高中生今年恢復參加一年一度的「全國青少年吸菸行為調查」,其中14%表示曾使用電子煙,這凸顯一個新興的產業,正規避監管機構讓一代人遠離尼古丁上癮的努力。 The number shows a slight change from 11% last year, but researchers cautioned against drawing comparisons to 2021’s survey, which was conducted differently because it took place when many schools were closed during the pandemic. The latest results were released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday. 這一數字相較去年的11%略有變化,但研究人員警告勿跟2021年調查比較,那次調查以不同方式進行,因為許多學校在疫情期間關閉。美國疾病防治中心在上周四發表這項最新研究結果。 Although the age-old force of peer pressure may still be encouraging use, the percentage of high school students who reported vaping in the past 30 days was still far lower than record-high levels reached in 2019 of nearly 28%. 儘管存在已久的同儕壓力可能仍鼓勵使用電子煙,但過去30天曾吸電子煙的高中生比率,仍遠低於2019年創下的近28%歷史最高水準。 Overall, the survey found that 2.5 million middle and high school students, or about 9%, used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. That puts their overall rate of use several times higher than that of adults, which is estimated at about 3%. 整體而言,調查發現250萬初中生與高中生過去30天曾使用電子煙,約占9%。這讓他們的總體使用率比成人高出數倍。成人使用率估計約為3%。 The survey, which was conducted from January through May of this year, showed that 85% of adolescent e-cigarette users favored vapes in fruit, dessert and candy flavors. Some mentioned PuffBar, Vuse and Juul as their favorite brand among those on the survey’s list. 這項從今年1月到5月進行的調查顯示,85%青少年電子煙使用者喜歡水果、甜點與糖果口味。一些人在調查清單中提到,PuffBar、Vuse和Juul是他們最喜歡的品牌。 But many said their favored e-cigarette brand was not one of the 13 listed. That finding highlights how nimble the industry has been in stamping an array of brand names on vapes with flavors like strawberry ice cream and fresh vanilla that are largely made in China and shipped from warehouses to corner stores and into e-commerce. 但許多人表示,他們最喜歡的品牌不在名單中列出的13個裡面。這一發現凸顯該行業的靈活程度,在草莓冰淇淋和新鮮香草等口味電子煙上,印上一系列品牌名稱。這些電子煙主要在中國製造,從倉庫運往街角的商店,然後進軍電子商務。 One stark finding was that 1 in 4 of the high school students who were e-cigarette users reported vaping every day. Groups opposed to e-cigarettes and tobacco products were particularly troubled by one other result that reflected the highest frequency-of-use to date: Nearly half of the high school students who were vaping said they were doing so 20 to 30 days a month. 一項令人震驚的發現是,使用電子煙的高中生中,有四分之一天天吸。反對電子煙和菸草產品的組織,對另一個反映迄今最高使用頻率的結果感到特別困擾:近半抽電子煙的高中生表示,他們每個月有20到30天會抽。 “That’s a real signal of addiction and setting up young people for a lifetime of addiction which they don’t want, they didn’t choose and they don’t like,” said Robin Koval, president of the Truth Initiative, a nonprofit organization aimed at eliminating youth tobacco use. 旨在消除青少年菸草使用的非營利組織「真相計畫」會長科瓦說:「這是個真正的成癮訊號,誘騙年輕人終身沉迷於他們不想要、沒有選擇且不喜歡的東西。」 The full results of the survey, which will include levels of other tobacco product use, is expected out later this year. 這項調查的完整結果預計將在今年稍晚公布,將包括其他菸草產品的使用水準。Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/6687808