每日英語跟讀 Ep.K535: About the US - 西雅圖學校告科技巨頭與蜜蜂襲警

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歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments 每日英語跟讀 Ep.K535: About the US - Seattle schools sue tech giants over social media harm The public school district in Seattle has filed a novel lawsuit against the tech giants behind TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat, seeking to hold them accountable for the mental health crisis among youth. 西雅圖的公立學區對TikTok、Instagram、臉書(Facebook)、YouTube和Snapchat背後的科技巨頭提出一項新的訴訟,試圖讓它們對青少年的心理健康危機負責。 Seattle Public Schools filed the lawsuit Friday in U.S. District Court. The 91-page complaint says the social media companies have created a public nuisance by targeting their products to children. 西雅圖公立學校週五在美國地方法院提起訴訟。這份長達91頁的訴狀指稱,這些社群媒體公司將旗下產品鎖定兒少,已造成公害。 It blames them for worsening mental health and behavioral disorders including anxiety, depression, disordered eating and cyberbullying; making it more difficult to educate students; and forcing schools to take steps such as hiring additional mental health professionals, developing lesson plans about the effects of social media, and providing additional training to teachers. 訴狀指控它們導致(兒少)心理健康和行為障礙惡化,包括焦慮、憂鬱、飲食失調和網路霸凌,使得教育學生變得更加困難,迫使學校採取相關措施,例如雇用更多心理健康專業人員、制定有關社群媒體影響的課程計畫,以及為教師提供額外培訓。 Next Article Massachusetts woman accused of assaulting officers with swarm of angry bees (釋放狂暴蜜蜂襲警 麻薩諸塞州女子挨告) Rorie Woods, a 55-year-old professional beekeeper from Massachusetts, stands accused of using a swarm of bees as a dangerous weapon while deputies were trying to serve an eviction notice. 麻薩諸塞州55歲專業蜂農羅莉‧伍茲,在縣警準備執行驅逐令時,把一大群蜜蜂當成對付警察的危險武器,因而遭到控罪。 The incident unfolded when Woods drove a SUV to the home in Longmeadow, towing a stack of beehives. At arriving, she exited the vehicle and tried to open the lids to unleash the bees. 這起事件發生在伍茲開著一台休旅車、後頭拖著一堆蜂箱前往朗梅多的一戶住宅時。抵達後,她下車試圖打開蓋子放出蜜蜂。 A sheriff’s deputy tried to stop her, but as the bees started getting out and circling the area, he pulled back. Woods then smashed the lid of one hive, agitating the bees. They swarmed the area, stinging several officers and bystanders who were nearby. 一名縣警試圖阻止她,但因蜜蜂開始飛出並四處盤旋,他不敢上前。伍茲之後砸開其中一個蜂箱的蓋子,激怒這些蜜蜂,一大群蜜蜂衝出,叮咬多名警員和附近的路人。 Meanwhile Woods put on a professional beekeeper suit to protect herself. 與此同時,伍茲穿上專業的蜂農服裝保護自己。 The residence belonged to a man who had been litigating against his removal for years, garnering support of anti-eviction activists, including Woods. 這個住所住著一名多年來持續就驅逐令進行爭訟的男子,此事受到反驅逐志工的支持,包括伍茲。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1571057