國際時事跟讀 Ep.K660: 國際太空合作:美國與俄羅斯的太空人對接國際太空站

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In a remarkable display of international cooperation, two Russian cosmonauts and a US astronaut successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday, despite heightened tensions between Moscow and Washington due to the Ukraine conflict. The journey commenced when Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub, along with NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara, lifted off from Kazakhstan's Baikonur cosmodrome aboard the Soyuz MS-24 spacecraft. 儘管莫斯科與華盛頓之間的緊張局勢因為烏克蘭衝突而加劇,但兩名俄羅斯太空人和一名美國太空人成功對接國際太空站(ISS)的一刻仍展示了令人驚嘆的國際合作。此次旅程開始於俄羅斯航太(Roscosmos)太空人奧列格·科諾年科(Oleg Kononenko)和尼古拉·喬布(Nikolai Chub)以及美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)太空人羅勒·奧哈拉(Loral O'Hara)在哈薩克的拜科努爾太空發射場搭乘聯盟MS-24號太空船升空。 Just three hours later, the crew safely arrived at the ISS, where they joined three Russians, two Americans, a Japanese astronaut, and a representative from the European Space Agency. This collaborative effort stands in stark contrast to the deteriorating US-Russia relations triggered by Moscow's actions in Ukraine last year. 僅僅三個小時後,這組人員成功抵達了國際太空站,與三名俄羅斯人、兩名美國人、一名日本人以及一名歐洲太空總署代表會合。這樣的協力合作與去年莫斯科在烏克蘭的行動引發的美俄關係惡化形成鮮明對比。 During a preflight press conference, Oleg Kononenko emphasized the unique camaraderie experienced in space, stating, "unlike on Earth," cosmonauts and astronauts genuinely look out for each other. He highlighted the strong bonds formed in space, where communication is essential, saying, "We hear each other there, and we understand each other, and we are very sensitive to our relationships. We always take care of each other." 在發射前的記者會上,奧列格·科諾年科強調了太空中體驗到的獨特友情,他表示:「與在地球上不同,太空人間真正的互相照顧。」他強調了在太空中形成的牢固聯繫,在那裡溝通至關重要,他說:「我們在那裡互相傾聽,我們互相理解,我們對彼此的關係非常敏感。我們總是照顧彼此。」 Loral O'Hara also praised the ISS for its role in fostering cooperation among nations, describing it as a legacy that brings countries together. She expressed her excitement about joining the waiting crewmates aboard the station. 羅勒·奧哈拉也讚揚了國際太空站在促進各國合作方面所發揮的作用,稱其為一個將各國團結在一起的遺產。她對於加入在太空站等待他們的團隊感到興奮。 While Kononenko, aged 59, and Chub, aged 39, were scheduled for a year-long stay on the ISS, O'Hara, aged 40, was planned to spend six months in space. This mission marked the first journey into space for both O'Hara and Chub, with Chub revealing that traveling to space had been his lifelong dream. 儘管科諾年科(59歲)和喬布(39歲)計劃在國際太空站上停留一年,奧哈拉(40歲)則計劃在太空中度過六個月。對於奧哈拉和喬布來說,這是他們首次進行太空任務,喬布透露,太空旅行一直是他一輩子的夢想。 The trio succeeded Russian cosmonauts Dmitry Petelin and Sergey Prokopyev, as well as NASA astronaut Frank Rubio, who had spent a year aboard the ISS. Their return, initially scheduled for March, had to be extended due to damage to their vessel, the Soyuz MS-22, caused by a suspected tiny meteoroid, resulting in a coolant leak. They are set to return to Earth on the Soyuz MS-23, according to Roscosmos. 這三人接替了在國際太空站上待了一年的俄羅斯太空人德米特里·佩特林和謝爾蓋·普羅科皮耶夫以及美國太空人弗蘭克·魯比奧。他們的返回計劃原定於三月,但由於他們的太空船聯盟MS-22號船體被一顆疑似小流星毀損,導致冷卻液泄漏,不得不延期。根據俄羅斯航太的說法,他們將搭乘聯盟MS-23返回地球。 Despite the ongoing challenges and tensions on Earth, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been exploring opportunities to strengthen space cooperation with China. This comes as Western nations continue to condemn and impose sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine. Recently, Putin hosted North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome to discuss the possibility of sending a North Korean into space, further demonstrating the international nature of space exploration. 儘管地球上的挑戰和緊張局勢仍在持續,但俄羅斯總統弗拉迪米爾·普丁一直在探索與中國加強太空合作的機會。這是因為西方國家繼續譴責俄羅斯在烏克蘭的行動並對其實施制裁。最近,普丁在俄羅斯東方太空發射場招待了北韓領導金正恩,兩人討論了將一名北韓人送入太空的可能性,進一步展示了太空探索的國際性。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字:Cosmonaut (Cos-mo-naut): The trio succeeded Russian cosmonauts Dmitry Petelin and Sergey Prokopyev, as well as NASA astronaut Frank Rubio, who had spent a year aboard the ISS.Astronaut (As-tro-naut): The trio succeeded Russian cosmonauts Dmitry Petelin and Sergey Prokopyev, as well as NASA astronaut Frank Rubio, who had spent a year aboard the ISS.Camaraderie (Ca-ma-ra-der-ie): Oleg Kononenko emphasized the unique camaraderie experienced in space.Diplomacy (Dip-lo-ma-cy): Showcasing the potential for diplomacy and collaboration beyond our planet's boundaries.Geopolitical (Geo-po-lit-i-cal): Space exploration promotes international collaboration, transcending geopolitical tensions on Earth. Reference article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2023/09/17/2003806379