精選詞彙播客 Vocab Ep.139: 百貨週年慶與他們的產地 Anniversary sale and where to find them
通勤學英語 15Mins Today - A podcast by fifteenmins
黑白大廚的美食清單別光想! 裝上米其林輪胎,嘗鮮未知的出行體驗🛞 即日起至1月28日,買四條15吋(含)以上米其林輪胎,即贈陶瓷不沾鍋組🎁 買Pilot Sport系列輪胎加碼抽✈️法國利曼雙人自由行1名 ➡️ https://fstry.pse.is/6wsxxr —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— Summary: Every year from September through November, Department stores in Taiwan will have their year-end anniversary sale. These sales offer the biggest deals in the year where all the customers flock together in one place. In this episode, Angel and I talk about the anniversary sales and our previous shopping experience. What are you going to buy during the anniversary sale this year? Comment down below! Vocabulary: 1. Anniversary sale n. 百貨週年慶 Anniversary sale of different department stores run from September through November. 不同百貨的週年慶從九月開始到十一月。 2. Brochure n. 宣傳本 Promotional material like brochures and pamphlets are called DM in Taiwan. 在台灣宣傳冊跟活頁傳單都叫DM。 3. NTx for every X dollar purchased n. 買X送X活動 Shinkong Mitsukoshi is going to offer NT300 cash voucher for every NT5000 purchased. 新光三越今年週年慶會提供買五千送三百活動。 更多Vocab Podcast節目: https://www.15mins.today/vocab 歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : [email protected] 商業合作/贊助來信:[email protected] 歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl81kivnk00dn01wffhwxdg2s/comments