15Mins Live Podcast - 換句話說系列 – 緊張跟平靜還有什麼其他說法Other ways to say “Nervous” and “Calm”

通勤學英語 15Mins Today - A podcast by fifteenmins


Other ways to say: NERVOUS Tense 緊繃 There was a tense silence as everyone waited for his reaction. Uneasy 不安 He looks distinctly uneasy in interview situations. Shaky 動搖的 The news left me feeling a little shaky. Jittery 緊張不安 I always become jittery the morning before an exam. Agitated 激動 She became so agitated as the interview proceeded. Edgy 煩躁 She acted kinda edgy. Uptight 緊張 Don't get uptight about the exam - just do your best. Jumpy 神經敏感 My mother gets very jumpy when she's alone in the house.   Other ways to say: CALM Cool 冷靜 He was very cool when we broke the window. Relaxed 放鬆的 She seemed relaxed and in control of the situation. Peaceful 安靜的 We had a peaceful afternoon with the family. Composed 沈著 She looked remarkably composed throughout the funeral. Chilled (informal) 冷靜 I'm feeling pretty chilled. Easygoing 隨和 It's very easy to see him as the easy-going weld/tad. Carefree 無憂無慮 I remember my carefree student days.   分享時間: Tell a personal experience related to "nervous" and "calm". Pick 4 words and make sentences.