第36回 お正月(New Year's Day)/各国のお正月事情。日本の正月はやることが多い。

ざつだんし -Japanese Chat Bros.- - A podcast by Japanese Chat Bros.


Happy New Year!! Please forgive the possibility that some expressions may not be appropriate. [EN] In this installment, we will discuss "New Year's Day in Japan." It is Japanese traditional culture, and Aki and Nathan is going to chatting about it. You may be surprised at the speed at which they speak in real conversation, but even if you don't understand the content, you can practice your listening skills by listening several times. Let's work together! [JP] 今回は「お正月(おしょうがつ)」です。 お正月は日本の伝統的な文化、AkiとNathanが雑談をしていきます! 日常会話をするときの話すスピードに驚く方もいるかも知れませんが、内容を理解できなくても何回か聞くことでリスニング力も鍛えられます。 一緒に頑張っていきましょう! [会話中に出てきた単語:Words mentioned during the conversation] 「明けましておめでとう(あけましておめでとうございます, akemashite omedeto gozaimasu)」=”A Happy New Year” 「松飾(まつかざり, matsu kazari)」=”Pine decoration” 「鏡餅(かがみもち, kagami-mochi)」=”A New Year's offering made from rice cake” 「年賀状(ねんがじょう, nengajo)」=”New Year's card” 「お年玉(おとしだま, otoshidama)」=”New year's gift for kids (money)” 「豆の煮込み料理(まめのにこみりょうり, mame no nikomi ryori)」=”stewed beans” 「爆買い(ばくがい, baku gai)」=”Explosive Buying” 「未就学児(みしゅうがくじ, mishu-gaku ji)」=”preschooler” 「これっぽっち(これっぽっち, kore pocchi)」=”just a little bit”