AP Show: Apocalypse World: Burned Over (1 of 3)
+1 Forward - A podcast by Richard Rogers

Rich and Rach are bringing you something altogether NEW! It's a miniseries of Actual Play, where they bring on guest players Cody and Greg to play Apocalypse World: Burned Over version. Rich is the MC for this three-session series, and after each session of play, we'll have a post-play discussion together. Tune in for opening scenes and our first post-play discussion Time Codes: 00:03:47 - Character Intros 00:08:11 - Starting Move with Druben Ki 00:12:19 - Kyrie's Opening Scene 00:25:13 - Bantha Bren's Opening Scene 00:33:42 - Druben Ki and Kyrie Meet Up 00:45:58 - Session Ending Stuff 00:52:19 - Post Game Show starts 00:54:20 - Slice-of-life Beginning Chat 01:03:35 - The Bang Approach Chat 01:12:16 - Untenable Lives 01:14:09 - Parting Thoughts Greg Gelder on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GroupSoliloquy Cody Eastlick on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CodyEastlick