189: Different Schools for a Different World

10 Minute Teacher Podcast with Cool Cat Teacher - A podcast by Vicki Davis


Dr. Scott McLeod, co-author of Different Schools for a Different World, has a frank conversation about the change that needs to happen, how long it will take to happen, and the next steps for promoting creativity in schools. www.coolcatteacher.com/e189 Got 5 minutes? That is all it takes to enter the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow contest. If you’re a US public school teacher of grades 6-12, you and your students just need to come up with a STEAM idea that can help your community. If you’re selected as a finalist, you’ll win technology and prizes to help your STEAM project come to reality. The entry period ends this week - Thursday, November 9 is the last day! Go to coolcatteacher.com/samsungsolve to learn more. Good luck!