A Learner Centered Innovation Model
10 Minute Teacher Podcast with Cool Cat Teacher - A podcast by Vicki Davis

Katie Martin, an ISTE 2018 keynote, talks about the importance of putting learners at the center of your innovation model. She starts with the questions we need to ask ourselves and our students and talks about what learner-center innovation looks like. Get inspired and motivated by listening to Katie. www.coolcatteacher.com/e341 Sponsor: From now until September 28, Advancement Courses, an online provider of professional development for K-12 teachers, is donating 10% of their sales to funding DonorChoose.org projects. Go to advancementcourses.com/give to submit your project today. AND, if you are in need of PD, 10-Minute Teacher listeners get 20% off any online courses with code COOL20. With this coupon, a 3 grad credit course for continuing education, salary advancement, or recertification is only $359. So, go to advancementcourses.com/coolcat to learn more and use the coupon code COOL20. Never stop learning!