Seeding New Climate Hubs - SCCAN Regional Networking Project
1000 Better Stories - A podcast by Scottish Communities Climate Action Network
In today’s episode you will hear Kaska Hempel’s interview with Gill Davies, a Manager of SCCAN’s Investing in Regional Networks Programme, which has been funded by the Scottish Government. For about a year now, she’s been recruiting and supporting regional network coordinators, working to strengthen relationships among community organisations within Scottish regions. This work will feed into the roll out of Scottish Government Regional Climate Action Hubs over the next year. You can listen to our last episode to find out more about the two hub pilots which are already in place. You will also hear brief introductions from five regional network coordinators: Julian Holbrook from Midlothian, Gordie Campbell from Scottish Borders, Steven Clark from Dumfries and Galloway, Marie Stonehouse from Argyle and Bute and Alison Stockwell from Western Isles. Production and edit: Kaska Hempel with help from regional coordinators. Resources: New SCCAN website: SCCAN’s Investing in Regional Networks Programme – coordinators and contact details: Community groups mentioned by regional coordinators Argyle and Bute: Grow Food Grow Dunoon on Facebook, Dunoon Area Alliance Scottish Borders: The Hornshole Greenway Project in Hawick Western Isles: Uist and Barra Foodbank on Facebook Dumfries and Galloway: Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership Mid-Lothian: Penicuick Community Development Trust