SUNDAY WIRE: EP 537 ‘Chicken Kiev, Well Done’ with Patrick Henningsen and guests

21st Century Wire's Podcast - A podcast by 21st Century Wire


This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts on Alternate Current Radio, as host Patrick Henningsen returns with another live broadcast – this week we break down Zelensky’s epic meltdown at the White House and what to expect from Trump, Europe, and Russia going forward. Did Zelensky just sign his own proverbial ‘death warrant’ (politically speaking, of course). One thing is certain: the world will never look at him, or the Ukraine debacle the same again. We’ll also be joined by co-host Bryan ‘Hesher’ McClain, Adam ‘Ruckus’ Clark, as well as Basil Valentine, to breakdown this latest craziness and offer sane analysis of the situation. All this and more. All this and more… Watch this episode here:  This month’s featured music artists: Red Rumble, Peter Conway, Joseph Arthur, Walk-On Army, Permanent Wave & Utility SUPPORT OUR MEDIA OUTLET HERE (