51 - What we can do to maintain land access with Bill Schulz
4x4 Earth - The 4WD, Camping, Fishing and Outdoors podcast. - A podcast by James Eling | Amateur Off Roader, unorganised camper and very poor fisherma

We we continue our discussion with Bill Schulz from the Bush User Group United about some proposed changes to land in Victoria and why it is important that all of the Bush Users come together We look at what we can do to maintain land access for all. Check out the show notes on 4x4earth.com for more details and links to the sites we've mentioned in the podcast. Join the conversation about the 4x4earth podcast on the 4x4earth forum. www.4x4earth.com is Australia's largest free and independent 4 wheel driving website with over 200,000 visits per month. If you are loving 4x4earth.com, check out the 4x4earth Merch. The sales help to keep Australia's largest free and independent 4 wheel drive website and the largest Australian 4x4 Podcast! It helps us to keep on doing the work to keep tracks open.