Track 8 - 4WD winches and winch warranties - which one to buy?

4x4 Earth - The 4WD, Camping, Fishing and Outdoors podcast. - A podcast by James Eling | Amateur Off Roader, unorganised camper and very poor fisherma


Winches are a really important bit of kit on any 4WD.  Whether you put one on as a bit of insurance, hoping to never use it or if you go offroad expecting to winch out - you need your winch to work.  One of the things that I have been amazed with is the number of times winching has been needed and the winches have failed.  Some winches have a notorious "Water Clause" in them, which means that the warranty is invalidated if they go under water, which means you can't do creek crossings!  Find out which winches are good and which ones have issues in our interview with Swaggie, 4x4earth moderator and winch expert.