146. Surrendering to the Lord + Trusting Him Always // with Cara Harvey from A Purpose Driven Mom
The Better Part - Intentional Living for Christian Moms with a Bible-Loving Catholic Mama - A podcast by Jenna Scott - Tuesdays

Cara Harvey is hosting today’s Walking Through Scripture series. Here are some ways to connect with Cara from A Purpose Driven Mom: Instagram - www.Instagram.com/apurposedrivenmom - Free workshop - https://www.purposedrivenmomprenuer.com/massive-action/ - Purpose Driven Mom Show podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/purpose-driven-mom-show/id1465377461 - To connect with me (your host, Stephanie), become email besties by going to bit.ly/monthlyhappymail + get a monthly devotional and encouragement for your day. You can also email me directly at [email protected] and visit my website at https://500secondstojoy.wixsite.com/joyfulsteph for allllll the goodies. Thanks for tuning in today + I can’t wait to chat with you again soon! PS: if you loved what you heard, consider subscribing and then rating + reviewing the podcast. Thank you! May your day be blessed + may you find joy in the Lord today and always. Xoxo Steph