195. MOMS WHO PRAY // Meditate on Psalm 37 + Consider The Desires of Your Heart

The Better Part - Intentional Living for Christian Moms with a Bible-Loving Catholic Mama - A podcast by Jenna Scott - Tuesdays


WE ARE STARTING A NEW SERIES CALLED “MOMS WHO PRAY” and I will be planning to bring these short scriptural prayer episodes to you on Fridays. You can expect SCRIPTURE, MEDITATION, and PRAYER with beautiful, relaxing music in the background. Start your weekend right, with a prayerful FriYAY! Also, I have invited my new friend Valentina Obafunwa to share with us what she has learned about becoming God’s beloved daughter in a December series. If you have not checked it out yet, I encourage you to do so. May these episodes in the month of December bless you as we prepare to welcome Jesus into our hearts more deeply this Christmas. God bless you and your family! XOXO Stephanie . . . To connect with Valentina, head to www.fiatcareercoaching.com and learn about how she helps coach women with their career goals. She also has affordable online classes at www.fiatacademy.podia.com where she provides career guidance. If you know of someone who could benefit from the support of a career coach, send them Valentina’s way! She also provides encouragement on YouTube at Fiat Career Coaching. . . . SIGN UP FOR STEPH’S ENCOURAGING MONTHLY DEVOTIONAL —> bit.ly/monthlyhappymail ☺️ . . EMAIL STEPH —> [email protected]