43. Fill Your Mama Cup Cuz You Are Worth It | with Lori Beth Auldridge from Yaya Mamas (Part 1)

The Better Part - Intentional Living for Christian Moms with a Bible-Loving Catholic Mama - A podcast by Jenna Scott - Tuesdays


Every mama (and aspiring mama) needs to tune in to this episode today! I am joined by fellow podcaster, Lori Beth Auldridge, host of the Elevating Motherhood podcast, work at home mama of 3, wife, friend, sister, blogger, homeschooler, wanna be homesteader, business owner, webinar creator, avid reader, and so much more. Lori Beth is here to talk with me about filling our mama cup and how mamas are totally worthy of time! We serve our families all day and it’s time to check in with ourselves and ask ourselves if we are pouring into ourselves as well. In this two part interview, Lori Beth and I discuss practical ways to do this, and one option is to journal for just 5 minutes a day, and Lori Beth has guides journal prompts on her website: http://www.yayamamas.com/guided-journals/ - definitely check out these journal prompts to begin the important work of introspection. Like Lori Beth says in our chat, just start with 5 minutes! I’m excited for you to hear from such a lovely, caring mama who is all about creating a mom community & lifting one another up. To connect with Lori Beth after this interview, visit her podcast website at http://www.elevatingmotherhood.com or visit her other website about her mom community at www.yayamamas.com - so much goodness there! To connect on social media, follow Lori Beth on Instagram at www.Instagram.com/loribethauldridge or follow her pages on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/elevatingmotherhood/ and https://m.facebook.com/yayamamasblog/ - she’s created beautiful communities on social! To listen to Lori Beth’s podcast, click here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/elevating-motherhood/id1479731562 - if you love my podcast you will love her podcast as well! Thanks for being here, lovely friends! *********************************************************To connect with me (your host, Stephanie) after this episode, head on over to Instagram at www.instagram.com/500secondstojoypodcast or send me an email introducing yourself to [email protected] - I’d love to become virtual friends! And if you’d like some extra encouragement and goodness in your email inbox, subscribe to my newsletter & I will drop you a note every week or two to add some joy to your day - https://mailchi.mp/a7a4f8935f67/500secondstojoy - click here to subscribe now. Also, if you’re loving this podcast I’d super appreciate it if you could rate and review the show so I can keep reaching more lovely listeners just like you! Lastly, click that subscribe button so you know when I come out with new episodes since I have been releasing extra episodes lately! I’m so grateful to have you as a listener and I pray that God blesses your day with joy and peace!