47. If You Feel Pressure To Have The Perfect Morning Routine, Listen In To My Guest Jennifer Allwood

The Better Part - Intentional Living for Christian Moms with a Bible-Loving Catholic Mama - A podcast by Jenna Scott - Tuesdays


I am joined by the fabulous Jennifer Allwood today to chat about a life-giving morning routine that is low pressure and will help you realize that your morning doesn’t need to be Instagram worthy. In fact, Jennifer and I talk a lot about social media and phone use in Part 2 of our conversation. In this first part of our awesome convo, we talk about Jennifer’s incredible business & what her morning looks like as the CEO of her own business. I can’t wait for you to hear from Jennifer and I encourage you to listen to her podcast too! It’s called The Jennifer Allwood Show and it’s full of business tips, encouragement and lots of Jesus! Click here to listen in - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jennifer-allwood-show/id1206006469?i=1000469225535 - you will love her show! To connect with her on the ‘gram head over to www.Instagram.com/Jenniferallwood or visit her website at www.jenniferallwood.com where you can learn how to work with Jennifer. Also, you have to get yourself (and a friend) a copy of her book “Fear Is Not The Boss Of You”. I legit read it in a week! A must-read for all women! Click here to read the first chapter for free - https://jenniferallwood.com/book/ - and once you read it you will definitely want to buy the book! Now enjoy this incredible interview with the inspiring Jennifer Allwood!