47.5 Jennifer Allwood Part 2: Your Kids Are Watching You On Your Phone In The Morning

The Better Part - Intentional Living for Christian Moms with a Bible-Loving Catholic Mama - A podcast by Jenna Scott - Tuesdays


This is Part 2 of my conversation with the fabulous Jennifer Allwood. In Part 1 we chatted about a life-giving morning routine that is low pressure and will help you realize that your morning doesn’t need to be Instagram worthy. In Part 2, we build on that conversation and talk a lot about social media and phone use. I can’t wait for you to hear from Jennifer and I encourage you to listen to her podcast too! It’s called The Jennifer Allwood Show and it’s full of business tips, encouragement and lots of Jesus! Click here to listen in - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jennifer-allwood-show/id1206006469?i=1000469225535 - you will love her show! To connect with her on the ‘gram head over to www.Instagram.com/Jenniferallwood or visit her website at www.jenniferallwood.com where you can learn how to work with Jennifer. Also, you have to get yourself (and a friend) a copy of her book “Fear Is Not The Boss Of You”. I legit read it in a week! A must-read for all women! Click here to read the first chapter for free - https://jenniferallwood.com/book/ - and once you read it you will definitely want to buy the book! Now enjoy this incredible interview with the inspiring Jennifer Allwood!