73. Can moms really REST? // Podcaster & retreat leader Lou Drey explains soul rest
The Better Part - Intentional Living for Christian Moms with a Bible-Loving Catholic Mama - A podcast by Jenna Scott - Tuesdays

Lou Drey is a busy mom of 3 littles (and 1 on the way) and is here to chat with us about something us moms probably struggle with...rest! Lou hosts the podcast Bonding Time and also hosts Selah retreats. She is passionate about living life fully present and with a restful soul. In today’s episode, Lou shares what rest means for us mamas and practical ways we can find soul rest in the midst of our daily life. Enjoy this uplifting conversation! To connect with Lou after this, visit www.loudrey.com or connect with Lou at www.instagram.com/bondingtime_lh - Lou would love to connect with you! // To connect with me (your host, Stephanie) after this episode, head on over to Instagram at www.instagram.com/500secondstojoypodcast or send me an email introducing yourself to 500secondstojoy@gmail.com - I’d love to become virtual friends! I would also love to have you join my weekly happy mail list! Go to bit.ly/weeklyhappymail to get a devotional and phone wallpaper sent to you every Friday. Also, if you’re loving this podcast I’d super appreciate it if you could rate and review the show so I can keep reaching more lovely listeners just like you! Every month, I choose 1 winner to get a free 30 minute personal development coaching call with me, so make sure to write that written review for a chance to win that free coaching call! Lastly, click that subscribe button so you know when I come out with new episodes since I have been releasing extra episodes lately! I’m so grateful to have you as a listener and I pray that God blesses your day with joy and peace!