Day 47 - Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving

“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena - A podcast by Maritza Mendez

Hello family!Welcome back. This is day 47 of our 54-day Rosary Novena.Family, thank you so much for being part of this beautiful Family of prayer. 54 Days of Roses would not be possible without your prayers and support. Our novena is quickly coming to an end, but I would like you to mark your calendars.Season 8 will start on February 15th and end on April 9th. Season 8 will be a beautiful way to prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday 2023.Please head over to our website and subscribe to our email list. This is how you will be notified of any updates. There is still time for us to mention your first name on the podcast. Please submit your prayer request or names on our website, or you can send an email to [email protected] 47 : Sorrowful Mysteries in ThanksgivingWith that, let's get started. Today, day 47,  we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving.Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we ask that you intercede for our petitions and bring us closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.Blessed Mother, we pray for all teachers and mentors.We pray for those who work as translators.Blessed Mother, we pray for our family’s intentions here on the podcast, for all the intentions received by email, Instagram, and YouTube.And we pray for the intentions of: Joanie, Teresa, Matt, Magaly, Neha,  Gabriela, Padre Tomas, souls of Jose Edgar, soul of Jose Raul, Adrian, Mika, Edgar G , Molly,  Ana, Grace, Adam, Oscar, Margie, Richard, Robert,  Brigitte, Paz, Denise,  Monique, Xailon, Leonard, Pathaphone Family,  Analuisa, soul of Ana Maria, soul of Maria, family Alvarez Umpire, Maricris, Paul, Lisa, Luke, Heather, Lyofill, Julia, Joseph, Krstin, Aza, Ashley, John, Zigrida, Brenda, Elijah, Jasmin, Rozel, Francesco, Liza, Marcia, Kat, Noneya, Katie, K.G., Beatriz, Maria, Maricris, Chely, Ruzegeli, and Johana.With love, Maritza Mendez.Linktr.ee Rosary Prayer a Rosary prayer with Maritza via Venmo via PayPal our Ministry Creator & Web design Engineerhttps://luisaperez238.wixsSupport the show