S9 Day 49 - Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving

“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena - A podcast by Maritza Mendez

Hello Family, Welcome back! This is day 49 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena.Family, there is still time for us to mention your name on the podcast. Please submit your prayer request on our website at 54daysofroses.com or send an email to [email protected] send you my love. May God Bless you. To Jesus through Mary.Day 49 - Joyful Mysteries in ThanksgivingLet's start. Today, we're praying the Joyful  Mysteries in the Thanksgiving.Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, be with us in our prayers as we pray for an increase in our faith. We humbly thank you for your intercession, lifting the special intentions that reside within our hearts.Blessed Mother, we pray for peace in the world.Blessed Mother, we entrust our intentions to your loving care. We bring the hopes, dreams, and concerns of all who have joined us in prayer through this podcast, email, Instagram, or YouTube.We pray for the intentions of Sarah, Tita, Susy, Magalie, Alicia, Maria, Valentina, Emily, Josie, Lulu, Cesi, Kanicia, Carmel, Rita, Cade, Abel, Isabel, Karla, Joy, Enrique, Barbs, Sharon, and Bob.With love,Maritza Mendez💛Websitehttps://www.54daysofroses.com💛 Support our Ministryhttps://www.54daysofroses.com/support💛Submit your testimonyhttps://www.54daysofroses.com/testimonials💛 Submit your prayer requesthttps://www.54daysofroses.com/requests💛Vito - Music Producerhttps://bio.to/vitovasquez?fbclid=PAAaZrdrNRrXixaiwriVBabYL_FDkRi_Q8CJ5nCVr890s12PQLwkG-s2qV_6o💛Luisa - Audio Engineerhttps://luisaperez238.wixsite.com/portafolio💛Lilly - Project Manager, Content Creator & Web Designhttps://linktr.ee/lillywriteshereSupport the show