095 How I Freed Myself From “Not Good Enough"
A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters - A podcast by David Bayer
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTubeIn "A Changed Mind," our host David Bayer tackles the pervasive limiting belief of feeling "not enough," which hinders personal growth and fulfillment. Through a blend of neuroscience, spirituality, and personal anecdotes, David guides listeners on a transformative journey to dismantle this belief. He emphasizes the innate worthiness of every individual, drawing parallels with nature and loved ones to illustrate that worthiness is inherent, not earned. This episode offers practical insights and exercises to help listeners break free from self-doubt and embrace their true potential. Join David as he provides tools and wisdom to inspire lasting change, encouraging a mindset of abundance and self-acceptance.=======POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCEhttps://powerfullivingexperience.com/acm=======What We Explored This Episode00:30 Breaking the Habit of Feeling Unworthy06:00 Understanding Limiting BeliefsMemorable Quotes"The biggest limiting belief, the most crippling one, is the idea that we are not enough. It prevents us from having financial prosperity and abundance, and from seeing clearly the purpose we are meant to fulfill in this life.""Think about nature for a minute. Are some trees or squirrels worthier than others? Everything out there is worthy, is good enough. So what about you? Are you good enough? Yes, of course you are.""You've always been enough. You are right now, aren't you? There's nothing we could add to you, nothing we could take away. Every time you forget, it's because when you remember, you're strengthening that belief inside of you that you are worthy."Connect With DavidInterested in going deeper with us? Check out the following resources:👉 FREE MIND HACK BOOKJoin our newsletter and get David’s free Mind Hack ebook and training: https://mindhackprogram.com/acm👉 POWERFUL LIVING EXPERIENCECheck out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com👉 NEED MORE SUPPORT?Interested in coaching programs and more support?https://davidbayer.com👉 DAVID’S NEW BOOKCheck out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642939862Check us out on your favorite social platforms:LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbayerTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/davidrbayerFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/coachdavidbayerInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidbayer33YouTube - / @davidbayer33🎙️🎙️🎙️Podcast Production Support by