On peace education
A Quaker Take - A podcast by Quakers in Britain and Woodbrooke
Discussing peace education and nuclear weapons we join peace poet, Antony Owen, CND peace educator Owen Everett, and Quaker staff Ellis Brooks and Sahdya Darr to reflect on the role of peace education in encouraging critical thinking. Find out more Antony Owen: antonyowenpoetry.wordpress.com *** CND peace education England: cnduk.org/education Scotland: www.peaceeducationscotland.org Wales: walesforpeace.org or www.cymdeithasycymod.org.uk *** Action you can take Peace education resources: www.quaker.org.uk/teachpeace ICAN Parliamentary Pledge: http://uk.icanw.org/projects/appeal/ *** What we're reading Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy Briefs: centreforfeministforeignpolicy.org Barracoon: http://bookshop.quaker.org.uk/Barracoon-The-Story-of-the-Last-Slave_9780008297664 Millennium: bookshop.quaker.org.uk Trans Britain: http://bookshop.quaker.org.uk/Trans-Britain-our-journey-from-the-shadows_9781783524716 Quaker Centre Bookshop events: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/quaker-centre-bookshop-15554426114 PS. We haven't got rid of Quaker faith & practice either, we've just decided to revise it www.quaker.org.uk/blog/revision-of-the-book-of-discipline-what-happens-now