87. And The Winner Is... | A Flick Through The Scripts

A Quiet Night Inside No 9 - A podcast by Andy and Steve


Andrew experienced some technical issues on this episode - his laptop crashed half way through recording, which meant he lost his microphone. This meant the quality is not as good as it ought to be. It should still be ok to listen to though...

We're looking through Series 4 again because the script book could tell us some new things about it. We'll be trying to pick up on things we missed first time round, and sharing new revelations (and ridiculous theories) brought to light by the books. We might need your help. 

If you haven't heard our reaction episode to And The Winner Is... (or like us, you can't remember what we said in it), we recommend starting there:  https://aquietnightinsideno9.libsyn.com/website/category/26-and-the-winner-is-inside-series-four-episode-five

Please get in touch with any of your reflections. Email us: [email protected], or find us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/aqnin9

Fancy supporting the show? Drop us a donation here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/aqnin9

Big thanks to Nitole for your generous donation. And Fiona! (we recorded before yours arrived - shoutout next week). We really really appreciate your support!