Relax, Learn Native Japanese Before Sleep - JLPT N5 words | podcast (any advice ?)

A Sleepy Japanese Podcast - A podcast by Masanori Mori


In this video, you can learn IMPORTANT words for JLPT N5 with native and practical pronunciation. Those words/vocab are often LISTED UP in some textbooks for JLPT, and also very useful in daily life. And today I'm talking about "ポッドキャストの相談 (advice on this content)". nowadays I'm concerned about my podcast. Because I have a dream. Hope you like it, thanks :) 【📝 Vocabulary list & Practical Tips】  topic ~Town~   - ぎんこう (銀行): bank 🏦  - ゆうびんきょく (郵便局): post office 🏣  - びょういん (病院): hospital 🏥 → *as a similar word, びよういん (美容院) means beauty salon.  - けいさつ (警察): police   - こうばん (交番): polie station 👮‍♀️  - ホテル: hotel 🏨  - たいしかん (大使館): embassy   - としょかん (図書館): library 📚   - ほんや (本屋): bookstore  *ほん means book.  - ぱんや (パン屋): bakery *パン means bread.  - にくや (肉屋): butcher *にく means meet. 🍖  - さかなや (魚屋): fish dealer *さかな means fish.  - やおや (八百屋): greengrocer  - くすりや (薬屋): pharmacy *くすり menas medicine.  -  はなや (花屋): flower shop *はな means flower.   - でんしゃ (電車): train 🚋  - ちかてつ (地下鉄): subway  - くるま (車): car 🚙 → or we would call it じどうしゃ (自動車).  - バス: bus 2:36 - タクシー: taxi   - じてんしゃ (自転車): bicycle 🚲 →slang) sometimes it's called チャリ (chari). - バイク: motorbike 🏍   - ひこうき (飛行機): airplane ✈️  - ふね (船): ship 🚢   - のる (乗る): get on →ex) バスにのる。I get on the bus. - おりる (降りる): get off →ex) バスをおりる。I get off the bus.  - とおる (通る): go through  - まっすぐ (真っ直ぐ): straight  - まがる (曲がる): turn  - こうさてん (交差点): intersection  - しんごう (信号): traffic light 🚦  - わたる (渡る): cross →ex) みちをわたる。I cross the street.🚶🏻‍♂️  - とまる (止まる): stop   - バスのりば (バス乗り場): bus stop → or we would say バスてい (バス停).  - でんしゃのホーム (電車のホーム): train platform    Listen to the video again and again, then you will memorize easily 😉 Here's my Youtube channel ~