S2. E5. - Customer Experience vs Customer Service

A TABLE AT THE BACK - A podcast by Branka Injac Misic and Laura Luck


In this episode we compare customer experience with customer service. - How we define the two - What each one entails - Why companies who focus on CX earn more $$ - Examples of the good, the bad and the ugly CX - How to start optimising your CX (hint: start small!) Mentioned in this episode: • CX Leaders Podcast • Book: “Uplifting Service” by Ron Kaufman • Book: “Tribes” by Seth Godin • https://go.forrester.com/press-newsroom/how-customer-experience-impacts-company-stock-performance/ • http://customerthink.com/customer-service-vs-customer-experience-vs-customer-engagement/ • https://www.marketingmag.com.au/hubs-c/opinion-valos-nambiar-university-skill/