S2. E7. Give and get good feedback with Susan Reoch

A TABLE AT THE BACK - A podcast by Branka Injac Misic and Laura Luck


Well what fun we had talking to Susan Reoch! Some kindred spirits for sure. Today's episode is ALL about giving and getting good feedback. In our opinion, both are critical to the role of UX writer. Basically, get comfy getting uncomfy is the moral of the story.  Susan is a seasoned UX writer with loads of good info to share.  We talked to Sue about: How she honed her UX writing skills What working in a team of writers and other collaborators looks like in the wild The different ways we each like to get and give feedback (very different opinions here!) What constitutes as constructive vs destructive feedback Why it’s just as much about mindset as it is about process How you can adopt super strategies to give better feedback And how to do it well even when you’re remote Here are the things we mentioned in the podcast: Books: - Bossypants by Tina Fey.  - Hey Ladies! by Michelle Markowitz and Caroline Moss Podcasts: StartUp podcast by Gimlet Media (https://gimletmedia.com/shows/startup) UX writing at Booking.com (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/booking-people-podcast/e/64364687) Resources: https://jacobmcmillen.com/website-copywriting/