S3. E4. - Ethics in product design and UX writing

A TABLE AT THE BACK - A podcast by Branka Injac Misic and Laura Luck


Ethics in product design and UX writing. It's a pretty heavy topic today pals. But we make it fun ;)  We're talking: - the addictiveness of apps - moral dilemmas with projects or companies we’ve worked for and with  - where does the responsibility lie? - how we do things a little differently now that we have more experience under our belts - why traditional influence techniques are great to know, but it's how you use them Here are our recommendations: • How tech hijacks people's minds (the list we run through by Tristan Harris, design ethicist): https://medium.com/thrive-global/how-technology-hijacks-peoples-minds-from-a-magician-and-google-s-design-ethicist-56d62ef5edf3 • “It’s all just a bunch of BS” (ep 6): https://podtail.com/en/podcast/it-s-all-just-a-bunch-of-bs/ • Samuel Salzer: Humans Design Products...Or Products Design Humans http://nxhx.org/Choicemaking/ • Matt Wallaert Salary or Equity: https://salaryorequity.com/ • UX writer (Erik Wong) at Google: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfZCI-SOS2g • UXWC newsletter signup: thedash.uxwriterscollective.com/newsletter • 'Hooked' by Nir Eyal • Matrix for ethical and behavioural design: https://designli.co/blog/using-the-manipulation-matrix-for-ethical-behavioral-design/ • Tristan Harris (again): https://humanetech.com/problem/