Bshalach: Asking For Help

A Torah State Of Mind - A podcast by Rabbi Shlomo Farhi

We say every day HaMechin Mitzadei Gaver - God prepares the steps of man. Some paths are easy and some not so much, but He travels every path with us. We never walk alone. Unfortunately, I have some news to share with you that is of the not-so-easy kind. Over the last month, my wife Chana and I have discovered that she is not well, and we have been quietly dealing with it until now, when the doctors with Hashems help, were able to come up with the correct approach. She will have an important and serious surgery on Monday morning. The doctors have said that they think it is treatable and curable. As my Rabbi put it so beautifully, we need Rachamim, not Nissim - Mercy not Miracles, to get us through this difficult time. We are confident in Hashems kindness, strength and know with perfect faith that all will be ok. A rabbi spends his life and heart listening to the cries of others and trying his best to help. Today I am asking you for that help. In your tefillot, tehillim, learning torah in classes, gemara, mussar, tzedaka, kosher, coming to minyan. You choose, I'm begging and beggars can't be choosers! :) I will ask one more thing. My wife is a private person, and some of my children are sensitive and worried. Please dont treat her any differently, bombard her with messages and please don't speak to my kids about it. You can speak to me if need be. Most importantly, speak to HIM! Love you all with all our hearts! ❤❤❤ Link to Tehillim Chat: Link to Do A Mitzvah Chat: