Episode 27 - Parthiban David, Ravi Dharwadkar, and Augustine Duru - "Financial reporting choices, governance, and strategic assets: A transaction cost perspective."
Academy of Management Review Origins Series - A podcast by Greg Fisher
Welcome to the Academy of Management Review's Origins Series, where we ask, "Where does theory come from?" in order to demystify the theory-building process. In this interview series, authors of forthcoming AMR articles discuss how they got the ideas for their papers, and share their process for developing new theory in the field of management. In this episode, Parthiban David, Ravi Dharwadkar, and Augustine Duru discuss their AMR article titled "Financial reporting choices, governance, and strategic assets: A transaction cost perspective." Article web link: https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/amr.2019.0105