369: Brown Big Bear
Accidental Tech Podcast - A podcast by Marco Arment, Casey Liss, John Siracusa

- Pre-show: Marco's Problem
- Follow-up:
- The "coronavirus" virus itself is named SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 is the disease it causes (formerly called "2019 novel coronavirus" or "2019-nCoV" in some places).
- Recommended info sources on COVID-19:
- Flatten the Curve
- CDC: COVID-19 (continuously updated)
- Video: Exponential Growth and Epidemics
- WWDC still not canceled
- John's internal storage situation
- Mac shortcuts
- Ellipsis is
⌥ ;
- Adjective order
⌘ ⌥ ⌃ ⇧
⌃ ⌥
?- Command key
- Xcode symbol popup:
⌃ 6
- Drag and drop open/save dialog
- Screen shotting/screen capture
- Hot Corners and modifier keys
System Preferences
→Desktop & Screen Saver
→Hot Corners...
- Ellipsis is
- Casey's Computer Corner
- Huge rumor dumps
- Is the 2015 15" MBP still the best laptop ever made (via James Scariati)
- Do we have hard-drive icons on our desktop? (via Rob Fiorendino)
- How does one get hardware to make iOS apps on the cheap? (via Marcos Petri)
- Post-show: Marco's new adventures... deep underground
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