517- Back-to-School Toolkit: Proven Systems for Solving Disorganization, Procrastination, and Missed Deadlines
ADHD Experts Podcast - A podcast by ADDitude

Ann Dolin, M.Ed., explains what a sustainable system looks like and how it can be a game changer for a student with ADHD, plus proven strategies to help your child effectively use a calendar system, maintain organizational routines, and more. Organization System for Students with ADHD: More Resources Sign Up: ADHD @ School: A Free Class for Parents Download: 3 Rules for Organizing Your Child Read: Back-to-School Supplies Every Student with ADHD Needs Read: Be On Time! How to Teach Sequence and Schedules eBook: 7 Core Executive Functions in Children & Teens Access the video and slides for podcast episode #517 here: https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/organization-system-back-to-school-adhd/ This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/additude and get on your way to being your best self. Thank you for listening to ADDitude's ADHD Experts podcast. Please consider subscribing to the magazine (additu.de/subscribe) to support our mission of providing ADHD education and support.