Solving the Big Challenges in Construction with Reid Senescu
AEC Business - A podcast by Aarni Heiskanen
Reid Senescu, Vice President of Product Management at Doxel, is Aarni Heiskanen’s guest on the WDBE Talks podcast. They discuss digitalization, the use of data, and situational awareness in construction. The interview covers these topics: * What has inspired Reid most during his career* Why Ben chose to join Doxel* What kind of digitalization would give the highest ROI in construction* Why do many construction companies still struggle to digitalize their on-site workflows, and what could ease their transition?* How can you create value in such a construction environment with many, sometimes unforeseen, variables* How to tackle challenges related to data quality over the project life cycle* How digitalization will change the construction industry over the next ten years* What Reid is going to cover in his WDBE keynote You can reach Reid on LinkedIn and at His keynote takes place on September 29, 2022. Register to experience all the fantastic presentations and connect with leading digitalization experts at Listen to the interview and subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Google, and other platforms