How to make a good song!

AI For The Blind. - A podcast by Shawn Keen


Hey everyone! I wanted to share a quick and fun way to create songs using Suno. It’s super simple and just takes 3 steps! If you’re thinking about signing up, please use my link—it helps me keep sharing cool ideas like this. Here’s how it works: Step 1: Write Your Prompt Start by crafting a creative and specific prompt for your AI. For example: "I have a new member in my group, AI for the Blind, named Anne Marie Kearney. Based on this, create an AI music prompt with concise specifics, lyrics, and a creative style. Keep the lyrics under 1400 chars and the stile prompt is under 200 characters. Have fun!" Step 2: Edit Your Prompt as Needed Once you get an AI response, tweak it if it’s not quite right. Sometimes I start over completely if it’s way off. The key is to keep experimenting until you’re happy with it! Step 3: Paste into Suno Take the final lyrics and paste them into the lyrics field in Suno. Then, put your creative style description into the style field and hit “create.” You’ll probably end up with something different from what I get—and that’s totally okay! The fun is in seeing how creative and unique your song can be. Let’s all have fun making songs about our new friend, Anne Marie Kearney! and I will post what I create in the comments I hope you do too!Read transcript