Investment Trust Show #12: how to pick a trust, why European markets are racing ahead, best and worst performers, Greencoat UK Wind deep dive
AJ Bell Money & Markets - A podcast by AJ Bell

Dan Coatsworth explores some of the best and worst performing trusts so far this year and what this tells us about investor appetite towards certain parts of the market. [01:15] We’ve been very thin on the ground for new investment trusts joining the stock market for a long time but things are looking up. Laith Khalaf discusses the launch of Achilles Investment Company (AIC). [05:40] Dan looks at the latest events involving Bill Ackman and his Pershing Square Holdings (PSH) investment vehicle [09:47], while Laith has some interesting stats comparing funds to trusts. [12:53] JPMorgan Global Growth & Income (JGGI) has fast become one of investors’ favourites but did you know it has a sister investment trust that follows the same strategy but just looks at Europe? Dan talks to Tim Lewis, portfolio manager on JPMorgan European Growth & Income (JEGI), about opportunities and risks in the year ahead. [18:53] Martin Gamble and Tom Sieber from Shares magazine conduct a deep dive into Greencoat UK Wind (UKW). [35:20] Finally, we’re joining by Paul Angell, AJ Bell’s head of investment research, to discuss ways to research and select investment trusts. [46:39]