AAB 069 Breastfeeding: Fathers Day and Nursing in Public
All About Breastfeeding - A podcast by Lori J. Isenstadt IBCLC
I am recording this on Thursday, June 16th, 2016 Father's Day is this weekend and I am quite sentimental about this day of celebration. I love my Daddy. He passed away a few years ago and I am sad that this will be another year that I can't give him a big hug and wish Him a Happy Father's Day. Another year has passed and I think of all that he has missed. All the great things his kids and grandkids have accomplished this year. I know that he is proud for that I am sure. But I do miss seeing his face, beaming with pride with love for his kids and grandkids. I hold him close during my everyday life and he travels with us to all the important life events, and yet, it is still not the same as getting a big Bear Hug from my Daddy. I wish I knew the day that he was going to die, I would have made it a point to say: I love you, just one more time! And yet, I know he knew that I loved him and I know for sure that he loved me unconditionally, and from this point on, that will always have to be good enough. Read More