AAB 234 My very first show Breastfeeding Why's and How to's
All About Breastfeeding - A podcast by Lori J. Isenstadt IBCLC
As a lactation consultant, I have long since recognized the lack of information mothers have about breastfeeding. Not only about early breastfeeding difficulties, but also how this impacts their postpartum lifestyle. Breastfeeding comes fairly easy for some mothers and I want them to know that it may not come easy for your sister or best friend. I want you to know that you can be of great help to them. You can provide emotional support, practical help and suggest they seek professional help. For some mothers, early breastfeeding is more challenging than they thought it would be. It is very emotional and exhausting for some mothers. When this happens, we tend to become very overwhelmed, isolate ourselves and some mothers become depressed.