JSJ 337: Microstates.js – Composable State Primitives for JavaScript with Charles Lowell & Taras Mankovski

JavaScript Jabber - A podcast by Charles M Wood - Tuesdays

Panel: Aimee KnightCharles Max WoodJoe EamesAJ O’NeilChris Ferdinandi  Special Guests: Charles Lowell (New Mexico) & Taras Mankovski (Toronto)In this episode, the panel talks with two special guests Charles and Taras. Charles Lowell is a principle engineer at Frontside, and he loves to code. Taras works with Charles and joined Frontside, because of Charles’ love for coding. There are great personalities at Frontside, which are quite diverse. Check out this episode to hear about microstates, microstates with react, Redux, and much more!Show Topics:1:20 – Chuck: Let’s talk about microstates – what is that?1:32 – Guest: My mind is focused on the how and not the what. I will zoom my mind out and let’s talk about the purposes of microstates. It means a few things. 1.) It’s going to work no matter what framework you are using. 2.) You shouldn’t have to be constantly reinventing the wheel. React Roundup – I talked about it there at this conference. Finally, it really needs to feel JavaScript. We didn’t want you to feel like you weren’t using JavaScript. It uses computer properties off of those models. It doesn’t feel like there is anything special that you are doing. There are just a few simple rules. You can’t mutate the state in place. If you work with JavaScript you can use it very easily. Is that a high-level view?7:13 – Panel: There are a lot of pieces. If I spoke on a few specific things I would say that it enables programming with state machines.7:42 – Panel: We wanted it to fell like JavaScript – that’s what I heard.7:49 – Aimee: I heard that, too.7:59 – Guest.8:15 – Aimee: Redux feels like JavaScript to me.8:25 – Guest: It’s actually – a tool – that it feels natural so it’s not contrived. It’s all JavaScript.8:49 – Panel.9:28 – Guest: Idiomatic Ember for example. Idiomatic in the sense that it gives you object for you to work with, which are simple objects.10:12 – Guest: You have your reducers and your...we could do those things but ultimately it’s powerful – and not action names – we use method names; the name of the method.11:20 – Panel: I was digging through docs, and it feels like NORMAL JavaScript. It doesn’t seem like it’s tied to a certain framework or library platform?11:45 – Guest: Yes, we felt a lot of time designing the interfaces the API and the implementation. We wanted it to feel natural but a tool that people reach for.(Guest continues to talk about WHY they created microstates.)Guest: We wanted to scale very well what you need when your needs to change.13:39 – Chuck: I have a lot of friends who get into React and then they put in Redux then they realize they have to do a lot of work – and that makes sense to do less is more.14:17 – Guest: To define these microstates and build them up incrementally...building smaller microstates out of larger ones.Guest continued: Will we be able to people can distribute React...