A New and Fuller Life

All Saints Church Pasadena Podcast - A podcast by All Saints Church

"We have been sold a bill of potbound goods my friends, by thinking that God's major concern is correcting mistakes and punishing sins and rewarding righteousness so that was the reason God sent Jesus into the world as the problem solver for sin. NO! For God so loved the world that God gave his only begotten son. The Christ is God's love for us, for all of us." Sermon by the Rev. Ed Bacon, at All Saints Church, Pasadena, on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. Reading: Acts 10:34-43 and Mark 16:1-8. Watch this sermon on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izPfUrZGGGg&feature=youtu.be. For more about the mission and ministry of All Saints Church visit http://www.allsaints-pas.org and follow us on Twitter @ASCpas. Donate to support the mission and ministries of All Saints at http://www.allsaints-pas.org/support/donate/.