The Balance of Personal Freedom and the Common Good

All Saints Church Pasadena Podcast - A podcast by All Saints Church

“Hay muchas razones para que todos nosotros amemos tanto a Dios como a nuestro país, pero muy pocas razones para confundir a los dos.” Sermon by Gary Hall for Virtual Bilingual Spanish/English Worship at All Saints Church, Pasadena at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 4, 2021. Readings: Salmo 49:1–2, 5–9, 16–17 y San Lucas 16:10–13. Watch the sermon on video on YouTube at View the entire 1:00 p.m. service for July 4, 2021, on YouTube at Follow along with the service leaflet here: Follow All Saints Church on Twitter @ASCpas. Like us on Facebook at Donate to support the mission and ministries of All Saints at