The Struggle is Real -- Faith Realer Still/La lucha es real -- la fe aún más
All Saints Church Pasadena Podcast - A podcast by All Saints Church

“¡La lucha es real!” era su manera de reconocer con ironía las dificultades de la vida, y, con una sonrisa, invitarlos a otros a unirse a su experiencia. Ubicando la risa en medio del sufrimiento, ella encontró una manera de hacer menos agobiantes circunstancias que eran super agobiantes. Como solía decir Fred Rodgers, “Toda experiencia humana es mencionable, y todo que es mencionable puede ser más manejable.” “The struggle is real” was her way to wryly recognize life’s hardships, and, with a smile, to invite others to join her in the experience.Locating laughter smack dab in the middle of suffering, she found a way to make incredibly overwhelming circumstances a little less overwhelming. As Fred Rogers liked to say, “Anything that's human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable.” Sermon by the Rev. Lauren Grubaugh for Virtual Bilingual Spanish/English Worship at All Saints Church, Pasadena at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 7, 2021. Readings: Génesis 3:8–21, Salmo 96, Romanos (8:31–39) y San Marcos 13:14–22. Read the text of the sermon here: Watch the sermon on video on YouTube at Lauren is Associate Rector at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Centennial, Colorado. She is a certified Kaleidoscope Institute dialogue Facilitator, Spanish-English translator, subversive liturgist, and nonviolent strategist. Lauren is also a former member of All Saints Church. Join us every Sunday of the "Safer at Home" period for services on Zoom at 11:15 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (and Rector's Forums at 10:00 a.m. when applicable). Know that you are loved! Follow All Saints Church on Twitter @ASCpas. Like us on Facebook at Donate to support the mission and ministries of All Saints at