You Are Forgiven. No Matter What.

All Saints Church Pasadena Podcast - A podcast by All Saints Church

“If God’s love. If God’s grace. If God’s forgiveness has to be earned … then we have power over God. By our action or inaction, we can tell God who to love. We can tell God who to forgive.  But that’s not who God is. God simply loves everyone … there are no books that have to balanced, there is no system that can be gamed. We don’t have to earn forgiveness… You. Are. Forgiven.” Sermon by Mike Kinman from worship at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, December 5, 2021 at All Saints Church, Pasadena. Readings: Canticle 4 and Luke 3:1-6. Watch the sermon on YouTube. Read the text of the sermon here. Follow All Saints Church on Twitter @ASCpas. Like us on Facebook at Donate to support the mission and ministries of All Saints at