How My Vocal Training Can Hurt You
All Things Vocal Podcast - A podcast by Judy Rodman
This is the audio version of the blogpost you can find at Today's topic is vocal training and how it can hurt you if you misunderstand it. Listen to this podcast episode for tips to correctly apply my and other coaches' vocal training techniques so they can help, not hurt your voice! This podcast is now playing at iTunes , Google Play, TuneIn Radio, . Subscribe and don't miss an episode... and please leave a review where you like to listen! REVIEWS ARE MUCH NEEDED and APPRECIATED! If you’d like help with radically improving your voice while conquering vocal strain, try Power, Path and Performance vocal training, available at in vocal lessons and on CD courses. If you have questions about my or other coaches' training, email me at [email protected]. Subjects covered in this episode include: Pull, don't push the voice Take a breath and don't use it Use your face Press fingertips together for breath balance Articulate clearly Straighten your spine You can sing as long as you want without strain Apply the inner smile Three other training techniques I never suggest - Speech level larynx- Just relax and sing- Sing from your diaphragm Links mentioned in this podcast include: Why you should not sing from your diaphragm