The Power of Getting To The Point - As Songwriter, Singer, Speaker
All Things Vocal Podcast - A podcast by Judy Rodman
This is the audio version of the blogpost you can find at Today's topic is the Power of Getting To The Point. Listen to this podcast episode to learn to focus in on your messages, and make your central point clear for strongest songs, scripts, and vocal performances. You'll learn several exercises, featuring the 5 question focusing strategy asking... What? Who? Why? Where? and How?. Also covered is the subject of word count... how many words or lyrics are enough? How can you concisely write wordy songs? Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes and don't miss an episode... and please leave are view there, too! REVIEWS ARE MUCH APPRECIATED! If you’d like help with singing or speaking performance focus and impact, my vocal training method has a whole third cornerstone devoted to that very area. Check out 'Power, Path and Performance' training, available at in vocal lessons and on CD courses.